Venus Ascendant Line for Love & Relationships

Astrology Planet Symbol Venus

The Venus Ascendant Line is one of the most highly sought lines in Astrocartography. This is because it is the first line on the astrology map that people think of when looking for love and relationships.

An Ascendant Line is simply a mapped reflection of the place in the world where any given planet was rising over the Eastern Horizon at the moment of your birth. So if you move to your Venus Ascendant line then you'd be moving to a location where Venus was just rising in the East at the moment of your birth.

Because the Ascendant is one of the strongest, most influential points in your birth chart, by moving to this Venus line you are essentially moving to a place on this Earth where Venus energy is strongest for you, thus emphasizing many Venus qualities in your life, which includes love and relationships.

This leads many people to think that all they have to do is move close to this line and it will give them better luck and happiness with love and relationships. But in reality, the results are much more nuanced than that and depending on which other factors are at play, it could create situations and experiences that are opposite the harmonious picture of love and romance that you might have imagined.

Here I will outline all of the things you should know about when looking for love on your Venus Ascendant Line.

Moving East or West of Your Venus Ascendant Line

The first thing to consider is what side of your Venus line will you be moving to because the Ascendant Line acts as the cusp between the 1st and 12th Houses. So depending on which side of the line you move will determine which house you will be activating, because which ever side you go you will be activating the significations of the corresponding house. By moving West of the line you will be placing Venus in your 1st House, by moving East of the line you will be placing Venus in your 12th House, and these are two markedly different houses, activating totally different sets of significations:

In the example below, the Venus line is going through the middle of the state of New Mexico. In this case, if you were to go to Santa Fe you'd have Venus 1st House influences. If you were to go to Taos instead, you'd have Venus 12th House influences.

Astrology Map Venus Ascendant Line Example

1st House Significations

The 1st House represents your self and your identity. It is how people see you and experience you, whether they find you attractive and appealing, or unremarkable and unappealing. It is who they see when they meet you. So placing the benefic planet Venus here can definitely have a lot of positives.

Wheel Chart 1st House Example

By moving West of your Venus Ascendant Line you are placing Venus in your 1st House, which means you will be more likely to seem attractive and charming to the people you meet. This placement is a lot simpler than the 12th House because it allows you to take many of the nice Venus qualities and use them as a reflection of your self.

Things are not as inherently challenged with this placement, things tend to work out a little better. It is good for attracting opportunities, in business and otherwise. The people you meet here tend to like you, which is definitely something that you'd want if you are looking to find a relationship. But it can also sometimes be too much of a good thing where it can attract more attention to you than you might want, or more attention than you're used to.

12th House Significations

The 12th House represents such things as loss, isolation, expenses, confinement, etc. It is a place where things come to an end and you must surrender to situations outside of your control. It is a much more complicated placement in general, but among other things it can be a place where you are more likely to experience loss around relationships.

Wheel Chart 12th House Example

Venus is love, beauty, and pleasure, and the 12th House is not always of this world. So if you move East of your Venus Ascendant Line it can help you in ways of finding harmony on the inside, like a nice meditation retreat for example, which can lead to beauty and happiness in your own spirituality. It can also be good if the work you do in the world is interpretive or abstract, like art, dance, or film. But when it comes to romance, you are probably not going to get what you want out of love and relationships here, in fact, you will likely experience more drama and loss around relationships in this location.

The 12th House also represents the bedroom, so interestingly enough you might find yourself with a lot more "pleasure in the bedroom" situations here, but unfortunately it also comes with more complications, such as affairs or other hidden relationship themes, which are also representative of the 12th House.

The Strength of Your Venus

The strength and status of all your planets plays a huge role in how those planets will manifest their results. If Venus is in a difficult sign, or has difficult aspects, then it will have a hard time manifesting its highest qualities, even if you move to a place that would be a nice placement for Venus.

For example, if you move West of your Venus Ascendant Line, which is a nice place for Venus to showcase some of its positive and charming traits through you, giving you nice self expression, but at the same time your Venus is inherently weak, then many of those nice Venus qualities that you expect to see won't turn out to be as pleasing as you thought.

This could create situations where you might be seen as more attractive, but it could also bring unwanted attention, like harassment, or even a stalker. You could have the opportunity to go on a lot of dates here, but they could more easily end in tears and unhappiness rather than happily ever after. You may also be inclined to indulge in a lot of physical pleasure, without the same level of emotional contentment, which can easily leave you feeling sad and unfulfilled.

If you have a strong Venus, however, and you move to this same location, then you would expect to see the opposite. People would be inspired by your beauty and attractiveness. They would be nice to you. The dates you go on would be fun and pleasant, and the relationships you pursue would be fulfilling.

Birth Chart Analysis for Planet Strength

To determine how strong your Venus is we would need to analyze your birth chart. Proper birth chart analysis will allow you to determine the strength of all your natal planets, so that you can gauge how these planetary energies will manifest for you. This is an important component for the complete practice of locational astrology. Briefly, here are a few key areas that will help you determine planet strength in your natal chart:

Sign Placement:


  • Excited - Strong ability for the planet to reach its highest level results

Own Sign / Ruler    

  • Comfortable - Decent ability for the planet to function at a higher level

Friendly Sign

  • Content - Reasonable ability for the planet to function at some of its higher levels

Neutral Sign

  • Sad - Difficult for the planet to function at a higher level

Enemy Sign

  • Unhappy - Planet more likely to function at a lower level


  • Burdened - Extremely difficult for the planet to function at a very high level

House Placement:

Blessed Houses

  • 5th & 9th
  • Where inspiration, creativity, and higher purpose are allowed to flourish

Strong Houses  

  • 1st, 4th, 7th, & 10th
  • Each of these houses have far different significations, but the angular placement of these houses usually creates a strong environment for the planets to produce their results

Decent House

  • 2nd
  • The house of sustenance where material and familial support can occur

Neutral Houses

  • 3rd & 11th
  • Where you can initiate your will to get what you want, but it is not always easy

Difficult Houses

  • 6th, 8th, & 12th
  • Where problems, pain, fear, loss, and isolation occur

Planetary Aspects:

Benefic Aspects

  • Aspects from these planets tends to support and uplift a planet to help reach its highest potential 
  • ♃ Jupiter, ♀ Venus, ☿ Mercury, ☽ Moon

Malefic Aspects  

  • Aspects from these planets tends to inhibit and thwart the highest potential of the planet receiving the aspect
  • ♄ Saturn, ☊ Rāhu (North Node), ♂ Mars, ☉ Sun

Venus Planet Strength Examples

Here are a couple of examples for how to determine the strength of your Venus, and the expected results they would bring.

Example 1

Venus in:

  • Taurus
  • 4th House
  • Aspected by Jupiter and Mars

This would be an example of an overall strong Venus, comfortable to produce results in her own sign of Taurus, and easy to find joy and happiness in the 4th House. One malefic aspect by Mars isn't too harsh, it could bring some anger to the realm of relationships, but it could also give extra energy to pursue what you want out of relationships. And an aspect from Jupiter adds fortune and optimism.

Example 2

Venus in:

  • Cancer
  • 6th House
  • Aspected by Mars and Saturn

This would be an example of a very difficult Venus placement. Cancer is an enemy sign for Venus, so already she has a difficult time producing her results. The 6th House is the most difficult house for Venus, indicating problems in relationships. Two malefic aspects makes things even more difficult, causing anger, sadness, and difficulty around relationships too. Overall a very difficult placement.

In the first example you could confidently move West of your Venus Ascendant Line and expect to receive positive results around popularity, support, attractiveness, opportunity, and self-expression. In the second example you might experience some positive results in these areas because you are moving to a place where Venus is in a stronger position, but you would also be activating the added difficulty of problems and unhappiness in relationships that are already inherent in your natal chart.

This is a big topic, touched on only briefly here, and there are many exceptions depending on the planet. But if you want to properly understand how Venus, and the other planets, will manifest on your map then it is important to know their strength. You can delve more deeply into this topic here: Birth Chart Analysis

If you don't have an inherently strong Venus, don't worry! There are other locations you could look for on your astrology map that might be more conducive to relationship success. And there are also remedial measures that you can implement to help strengthen your Venus as well.

Other Astrological Influences

In addition to the strength of your Venus, and which direction of the line you are on, there are several other astrological influences that you'll want to consider so that you can make the most of all the positive astrological influences when moving to your Venus Ascendant Line.

Paran Lines

When looking at your astrology map and deciding which cities might be a good fit near your Venus line, you'll definitely want to take note of any Paran lines in the area. Parans run horizontally and have a one degree orb, so anything within 70 miles of that latitude will have an influence. Parans are made of two planets coming together, providing a combination of their raw energies. You can find out more about parans on the astrology map lines page. This image shows what they look like on the map, they are all of the horizontal lines running parallel from one another:

Astrology Map Lines Example - Parans

While each Paran combination is different, and it takes some study and contemplation to get to know them all, a good rule of thumb is to weigh the total benefic influence versus the total malefic influence to determine how well that Paran will treat you in any given location. Here are a couple examples:

Sun-Ceres Paran (Good)

Astrology Planet Symbol Sun
Astrology Planet Symbol Ceres

If you are a woman looking to find a good man you might want to gravitate toward a Sun-Ceres Paran because the Sun is masculine and Ceres is generous and supportive. So when these two energies combine there is a greater likelihood that it can manifest as meeting a generous and supportive man.

Sun-Mars Paran (Avoid)

Astrology Planet Symbol Sun
Astrology Planet Symbol Mars

You would not, however, want to move near a Sun-Mars Paran for this goal. In this case Sun and Mars are both masculine, but there can also be a lot of heat, anger, and inflated ego added to the mix, which is more likely to manifest as conflict and fighting with your spouse. Definitely not supportive of a healthy relationship.

Relocation Chart

Once you've assessed your astrology map up to this point, and you've found a location that might work, then you'll want to cast a relocation chart for that place. A relocation chart is simply a chart, similar to your birth chart, with the time you were born in the city you are interested in.

Looking at a relocation chart is important because it shows you which of your other planets are being activated in that location, and on what house cusps. This cannot be seen on the map, so without looking at the relocation chart you'll be missing some key information. If you're looking to move toward your Venus Ascendant Line with the ambition of finding love and relationships, then you want to make sure the relocation chart supports that as well.

If you have multiple 6th House activations in that location, for example, or even a malefic 7th House activation, then that is a key indicator that you will have relationship troubles in that area.

If, on the other hand, you have no difficult activations there, and perhaps some nice 5th House and 9th House activations, then that is a strong signal that relationships have a chance of going well there.

Venus Ascendant Line Summary

To summarize, there are four key things you should be aware of when deciding if moving to your Venus Ascendant Line is the best place for you to find love and romance in relationships.

1. Moving West

Move West of your Venus line for the more pleasant 1st House manifestations of Venus as opposed to going East for the more difficult 2th House manifestations.

2. Venus Strength

Know the strength of Venus in your natal chart, by sign placement and planetary aspects, to better understand how these Venus qualities will manifest for you specifically.

3. Paran Influence

Be aware of any Paran lines within 70 miles of the location to see if there are any other strong influences in that area that are either aligned with your goal, or acting against it.

4. Relocation Chart Activations

See how the relocation chart looks for that location so that you know which other planetary energies are being activated in that area that aren't seen on the astrology map.

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